The Dandie Dinmont Terriers on Cigarette/Trade Cards
Being one of the world’s oldest Terrier breeds (some say the oldest), it comes as no surprise to find a good selection of nice early cigartette cards, going right back to an old favourite set of mine, Goodwin & Co (New York) 1890. The name, as was so often the case, is spelt incorrectly (Dandy).
The UK’s first Tobacco Card came ten years later from Taddy & Co (London) 1900. 13/50. Taddy’s are the „Penny Blacks“ of the Cigarettes Cards world and the „Dogs“ series is no exception. Despite their high price (L25+), I have to say that I have never found this series difficult to find, not even the Dandie card!
One card that I find just impossible to get hold of is from the series titled „Characters from Scott“ and insued by Cope Bros. & Co Ltd (Liverpool) in 1900.
As most readers will know, the breed got its name from Walter Scott’s Waverley Novel, „Guy Mannering“ – Dandie Dinmont being a Border Hill Farmer:.
Card 5/50 shows the man himself, with a moteley collection of Terriers, which bear closer resemblance to Border Terriers than Dandies! Despite its „modest“ catalogue value of „only“ L12, it just never seems to turn up.
Two interesting overseas cards are the Sniders & Abrahams Pty Ltd (Australia) Dogs series of 1910, and the British American Tobacco „Silk“ series „Best dogs of their Breed“ (1913 – 41/50). The latter shows „Ch Alpin Slitrig“. This name illustration appears on the Wills „Specialities“ and „Havelook“ Australian cards of 1913 (this time spelt Dandy).
Will’s Australia also issued the Arthur Wardle „Dogs Heads“ large-size cards, a series more usually associated with John Player & Sons. Issued in the same year as the Player’s set (1928), the export cards are smallwer in size, with Wills credit in the corner and again with the spelling Dandy!
The last few rare cards come from Society Job (1911 showing „Golden Prince“), Copes „Dogs of the world“ by Cecil Aldin (1912 – 22/50), R J Lee Ltd (Stockport) „Dogs“ (1923 – 22/50), and the rare Player’s Irish issue „Dogs Heads“ by Wardle (1940 – 41/50).
Further Trade Cards in Gallery