Ch German Dandies‘ URIEL



geboren am 20. Juli 2014

Vater: CH Cloverwood Royal George (George)
Mutter: IntCh & Multi-Champion German Dandies‘ Naomi


Züchter: Monika & Manfred Rosenbaum, Germany
Besitzer : Mette Kusk Poulsen, daenemark_fl_c1 Arden / Dänemark


Champions Tagestitel/Titles of Day
  • Dänischer Champion
  • Dänischer Juniorchampion



2 Kommentare

  1. Dear Mette,

    congratulations to the first title in Denmark. We are sure that soon, the next title will follow. The first certificates for the Danish champion you have already received. Good luck.

    Best regards,
    Monika and Manfred

    • Mette P sagt:

      Thank you so much Monika and Manfred… I look forward to make him a Danish Champion too, when he reaches the age of 2 years…

      Best regards,


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